Easy Quiche

Breakfast, Dinner, Gluten Free, Pastry, Pie, Recipes, Savory

Quiche is one of my absolute FAVORITE things, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s the perfect food—chock full of protein, fully customizable to your particular tastes, and ridiculously easy. Like why-don’t-I-just-make-this-every-week easy. I mean, you make a pie crust (or buy one, that’s totally okay), prebake it, mix together eggs, milk, cheese, and what-have-you, […]

March 17, 2019

Savory Oatmeal Cookies

Appetizer, Cookies, Recipes, Savory

A-what now?  I know, Savory Oatmeal Cookies, this sounds freaky and weird but hold that thought. Before we roll on the cookies though, be sure to read Jen’s most recent post.  My heart is broken in a zillion pieces for her and her family; I’m at a loss for words.  Be sure to send her some […]

December 5, 2018

Everyday Pizza Dough

Bread, Dairy Free, Dinner, Pizza, Recipes, Savory, Vegan

“This is how you eat pizza fancy,” my eleven year old says, holding his slice up, pinky extended. “No, it’s not,” says Steve. “Well, then, how do you do it?” “With a fork and a knife.” “AND your pinky lifted,” I add. My thirteen year old, looking totally confused, says, “Why would anyone eat pizza […]

May 16, 2018